April 10, 2009

frisson \free-SOHN\,

A moment of intense excitement; a shudder; an emotional thrill.

Today's word of the day showcases a former habit of mine that I've kicked. But this photo may be the thing that gets me back off (or is it on?) the wagon.

I did manage to win $1 with this lottery ticket (which actually cost $1 in the first place), so at least I don't feel like I got ripped off. I'm sure I'll lose the ticket before I end up back at the gas station to redeem my huge prize.

Setup was, as always, pretty simple: two lights, both through umbrellas (as I've found the missing piece to my umbrella adapter) on either side of the lottery ticket, which was just right on top of a sheet I found at the thrift store. They really do have the best props and backgrounds.

I've got to work this weekend (just like every weekend), so I won't be posting again until Monday.

But hopefully you'll all be out taking photos of frisson (though, if the past is any indicator, you probably won't). If you've got a good one, send it to me in an email!

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